Corinna Doerges Coaching
For those who want to know more
If you want to know the secret of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. (Nikola Tesla)
Everything in our universe is made of energy. Also mankind, with his physical body and his subtle consciousness in all its forms, consists of energy, vibrations and frequencies.
Every person has an invisible energy field that completely surrounds and penetrates the physical body. In this energy field, the aura, body, mind and soul are depicted and its different vibrations and frequencies supply the physical body with energy, consciousness and information. Our aura and our physical body are firmly connected and only separate from each other in physical death.
This highly complex, subtle system also consists of various energetic layers and energy centers, also called chakras, which each correspond to different areas of our body. In the aura, both our events and developments that are perceived as positive are stored, as well as our obstacles and blockages. We are also connected to everything outside: the aura shapes the way we perceive our environment and other people and how they perceive us, because our energetic system is always in exchange with that of our fellow human beings. In the course of our lives, a huge energetic database is created. The often unnoticed energetic information influences our being and our actions and shapes our future. Stressful feelings, old conditioning and self-assessment determine our here and now and prevent us from developing mentally and physically. And so it happens that we sometimes experience ourselves as remote-controlled, like in auto mode or like getting off at the wrong station.
Start writing the script of your life yourself!